Setup - Windows

To follow this course, you will need to install a few programs. This page will guide you through the installation process. We will be using the following programs:

These installation instructions require you to open the powershell as an administrator.

Installing pyenv

For more detailed explanation, please refer to the pyenv installation instructions.

To install pyenv, run the following command in the powershell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -OutFile "./install-pyenv-win.ps1"; &"./install-pyenv-win.ps1"

Installing Python with pyenv

For more detailed explanation, please refer to the Python installation instructions.

To install Python 3.11, run the following command in the powershell:

pyenv install 3.11.X

We will install the latest version of Python 3.11. To find out the latest version, run pyenv install --list and look for the latest version of Python 3.11.

Installing micromamba

For more detailed explanation, please refer to the micromamba installation instructions.

To install micromamba, run the following command in the powershell:

Invoke-Webrequest -URI -OutFile micromamba.tar.bz2

tar xf micromamba.tar.bz2

.\micromamba.exe --help

To install the latest version of micromamba, you first need to create a new directory for micromamba, here we will create a directory called micromamba in the root of the C: drive. (You can also create the directory somewhere else, but you will need to adjust the path in the following commands.)

mkdir C:\micromamba

To then install the latest version of micromamba, run the following command in the powershell:

.\micromamba.exe shell hook -s powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

Then, initialise the powershell to recognise micromamba:

micromamba shell init -s powershell -p C:\micromamba

Installing Visual Studio Code

For more detailed explanation, please refer to the Visual Studio Code installation instructions.

To install Visual Studio Code head over to the Visual Studio Code website and download the installer. Then, run the installer and follow the instructions.