
Conditionals are used to control the flow of a program. They allow us to execute certain blocks of code only if certain conditions are met. In Python a conditional is created using the if statement. The if statement is followed by an expression which is evaluated to a boolean value. If the expression evaluates to True then the code block following the if statement is executed. If the expression evaluates to False then the code block is skipped.

It is important to note that the code block following the if statement is indented. This is how Python knows which block of code is associated with the if statement. The code block is indented by 4 spaces by convention and ends when the indentation returns to the previous level.

if True:
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed

    print("This code block will also be executed")
    # > This code block will also be executed

print("This code block will be executed as well")
# > This code block will be executed as well

if False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")

print("This code block will be executed as well")
# > This code block will be executed as well

if 1 == 1:
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed

if 1 == 2:
    print("This code block will not be executed")

The if statement can be followed by an else statement. The else statement is followed by a code block that will be executed if the expression in the if statement evaluates to False.

if True:
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed
    print("This code block will not be executed")

if False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed

The if statement can also be followed by an elif statement. The elif statement is followed by an expression that will be evaluated if the expression in the if statement evaluates to False. If the expression in the elif statement evaluates to True then the code block following the elif statement will be executed. If the expression in the elif statement evaluates to False then the code block following the elif statement will be skipped.

if False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
elif True:
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed
    print("This code block will not be executed")

if False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
elif False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed

The if statement can be followed by any number of elif statements, but an else statement cannot be followed by an elif statement. The else statement must be the last statement in the conditional.

if False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
elif False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
elif False:
    print("This code block will not be executed")
    print("This code block will be executed")
    # > This code block will be executed